Marriage Defined in the Bible

Table of Contents

biblical definition of marriage

Have you ever pondered what the Bible truly says about marriage? You might find it fascinating to explore how the Bible defines this sacred bond. As a comprehensive guide for life's many complexities, the Bible presents marriage as a covenant relationship established by God. It's a profound unity of one man and one woman, reflecting the relationship between Christ and the Church. But, there's more to it than you might initially think. What if there are subtleties and nuances you've overlooked that could profoundly impact your understanding and your own relationship? Stay with us as we journey together, uncovering the richness of marriage as defined in the Bible.

Key Takeaways

  • Biblical marriage involves a man and a woman leaving their parents to unite before God.
  • Marriage is a lifelong commitment, reflecting the relationship between Christ and the Church.
  • The purpose of marriage is to mirror God's love, commitment, and self-sacrifice.
  • Marriage is a sacred commitment before God, independent of legal formalities or societal validation.

Definition of Biblical Marriage

traditional view of marriage

Diving right into the definition of biblical marriage, it's clear from the scriptures that this sacred covenant involves a man and a woman leaving their parents to unite before God, with no need for legal documents or state involvement. The Biblical Definition underscores that marriage is a bond where the two shall become one, reflecting the relationship between Christ and the Church.

When God created marriage, He designed it as a covenant relationship, a lifelong commitment. This isn't solely an earthly contract but a divine bond that God Himself instituted. As a husband and wife, you're called to mirror the love and commitment that the Lord has for His people.

In Matthew 19, Jesus re-affirms the definition of marriage, stating that a man shall leave his parents and unite with his wife. The marriage in the Bible is between one man and one woman, cementing the divine design for marital unity.

Marriage as a Divine Ordinance

When we delve into the concept of marriage as a divine ordinance, it's essential to understand that it is more than just a union between two individuals; it's a God-ordained institution that transcends human laws and conventions.

  • According to the biblical perspective, marriage is a covenant relationship before God. It's a sacred bond, in which a man and a woman are joined together, reflecting the profound mystery of Christ's love for the Church.
  • Jesus reinforced this concept in Matthew 19 by stating: "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate."
  • This serves as a clear affirmation of God's design for marriage – a union between one man and one woman, which should not be broken by any human authority.

The purpose of this divine ordinance is not merely procreation or personal fulfillment. Instead, it's meant to mirror the love, commitment, and self-sacrifice that characterize God's relationship with humanity. Remember, the state might provide legal protection and benefits, but it does not define or create marriage. It's God's institution, designed for His glory and our good.

The Covenant Aspect of Marriage

marriage as a sacred covenant

You must comprehend that the concept of marriage in the Bible is seen as a covenant, not just a contract. It's an agreement between two people and God, underscoring lifelong commitment and divine approval. This perspective reframes how we consider marital relationships, bringing spiritual depth to what can sometimes be viewed as merely legal or societal.

Understanding Marriage Covenant

In understanding the covenant aspect of marriage as defined in the Bible, it's crucial to grasp that this sacred union is more than a simple agreement between two parties; it's a solemn commitment made before God, emphasizing spiritual and sacrificial aspects over legal formalities.

  • The Ultimate Design: God's original design was for a man and a woman to be united in marriage, with the man leaving his father to make a helper suitable for him, thereby becoming one flesh.
  • Meaning and Purpose: The New Testament reaffirms this, with Jesus Christ underscoring the lifelong commitment of the married couple.

This understanding of the marriage covenant serves to deepen your appreciation of marriage's divine nature and the sacrificial love it embodies.

Biblical Perspective on Covenant

Building on our understanding of marriage as a divine covenant, let's now explore its portrayal in biblical narratives, specifically focusing on the covenant aspect of marriage, which underscores a sacred commitment before God, independent of legal formalities or societal validation. "Therefore a man shall leave his mother and be united to his wife," exemplifies the biblical perspective on covenant. This reflects the initial design when "God made a woman" because "it's not good for man to be alone." The man gave names to his wife, symbolizing his responsibility and love for her, just as Christ loved the church. When "God has joined together" a man and a woman, it's a lifelong commitment. This is how marriage is defined in the Bible, a covenant of love and responsibility.

Purpose and Meaning of Marriage

As you turn to the purpose and meaning of marriage, consider how it is viewed through the lens of the Bible. Think about biblical marriage principles and the concept of covenantal love. Ask yourself how these principles shape the understanding of this sacred union and its role in portraying deeper spiritual truths.

Biblical Marriage Principles

What is the deeper purpose and meaning of marriage as outlined in the Bible? When the Lord God made man and woman, He created an everlasting covenant symbolizing the union between Christ and the church. This marriage relationship embodies the biblical marriage principle that 'two will become one'.

  • Biblical marriage principles include:
  • The man leaving his parents to join his wife, mirroring the way Christ left His Father to join the church.
  • The husband's duty to love their wives as Christ loves the church.

Marriage defined in the Bible is a lifelong commitment, reflecting the complementary nature of male and female. This covenant is not just a legal agreement, but a divine union orchestrated by God for mutual fulfillment and to display the gospel.

Covenantal Love Concept

Delving into the covenantal love concept, you'll find its roots deeply embedded in the purpose and meaning of marriage as defined in the Bible. This view of marriage is not just a social or legal contract, but a sacred covenant where husbands are called to mirror Christ's love for the Church, and the wife is called to submit in love, reflecting the Church's response to Christ. This mutual submission is central to understanding what marriage is intended for. It's not about power dynamics, but a selfless, sacrificial love that seeks the best for the other. It's a divine model that strengthens the marital bond, providing a framework for the love, unity, and companionship that define the biblical meaning of marriage.

God's Design for Marriage

biblical blueprint for marriage

In considering God's design for marriage, you'll find it to be a covenant relationship endorsed by Jesus in Matthew 19, involving a man leaving his parents to unite with his wife in a complementary partnership. This concept is rooted in the first marriage, when God realized that Adam, the first man, needed a "suitable helper." This led to the creation of Eve, establishing the foundation of marriage defined in the Bible.

The narrative indicates that marriage is a sacred union between two people, a bond that transcends social and political constructs. The Bible further elaborates on the roles of husband and wives.

  • The husband, as the head:
  • Must love his wife as Christ loved the church.
  • Is to hold fast to his wife, leaving his mother and father.
  • The wife, on the other hand:
  • Must respect her husband.
  • Should see herself as a suitable helper.

God's design for marriage, then, is a loving, respectful, and mutually supportive union. The Garden of Eden story underscores this, reminding us that marriage is designed not for domination or oppression, but for companionship, procreation, and mutual fulfillment.

Biblical Examples of Marriages

Exploring the scriptures, you'll encounter numerous examples of marriages that each illustrate unique aspects of the divine institution, ranging from the first union in the Garden of Eden to lessons in faith, persistence, and the consequences of misuse of power. For instance, Genesis 2:24 states, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This principle was first exemplified in the marriage of Adam and Eve, the original 'one man and one woman' union made by God, the divine 136.

The marriages of Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Rachel, further illustrate this point. Isaac's faith and obedience led to Rebekah, while Jacob's persistence won Rachel's hand, proving that love can endure challenges and triumph. In contrast, David and Bathsheba's story serves as a cautionary tale of the misuse of power and the grave consequences of unfaithfulness.

Therefore, each biblical marriage serves as a lesson, a beacon guiding us on our journey. Remember, as you serve others in your community, to uphold these principles, for in marriage two become one, and in that unity, there is strength and divinity.

Jesus's Teachings on Marriage

biblical perspective on marriage

Shifting our focus to the New Testament, we find Jesus affirming the biblical definition of marriage as a covenant relationship before God. He reaffirms Genesis 2:24 where the Lord God said, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse, reiterated by Jesus, makes clear the divine design for marriage.

In Jesus's teachings, marriage looks like this:

  • A man leaves his father and mother, signifying a new family unit.
  • This involves emotional and financial independence, setting a clear boundary between parents and the couple.
  • The man is joined to his wife, emphasizing the unity and commitment in marriage.
  • This implies a deep, mysterious union that mirrors Christ's relationship with the Church.

Furthermore, Jesus redefined marriage in different ways. He called husbands and wives to a sacrificial love and mutual submission. He highlighted the significance of male and female roles in a marriage, underscoring the importance of fidelity and love. Therefore, God's blueprint for marriage not only involves a man and a woman but also reflects His design for companionship and unity.


In the Bible's grand tapestry, marriage is a vibrant thread, weaving a divine design of unity and love. You are called to honor this sacred bond, mirroring Christ's love for His Church. Through the biblical lens, marriage is more than a contract – it's a covenant, a dance of two becoming one. Steeped in this profound understanding, let your marriage be a beacon, reflecting God's purpose and design, and illuminating your path with divine companionship and support.
